To one of my best friends...who shall not be named because she doesn't want anyone to know how old she is.
You don't look a day over 20! I love you to pieces and can't wait to celebrate with you. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Pics From: They All Hate us, Victorias secret
Hi All,

And welcome to the dead centre of the silly season that is summer 2012!

Just a gentle reminder that mingers still roam freely amongst us, ready to prey on poor civillians suffering from a common disorder also known as BOOZE GOGGLES!!

I have seen this happen to even those that appear to have their wits about them...mingers have amazing luring powers also known as MAC foundation which help them disguise themselves so they can roam free.

Remember you are not safe unless your wingman is semi sober!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
Pics From:, post24,, the cinemasource, celebritygobsmacking,
Wishing everyone a happy Friday the 13th...

This weekend is meant to be crummy weather but am excited, have my frist DJing lesson and have a mexican margarita night.

Have  a Fabulous One!!!!!!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
I was a DJ and didn't even know it!
Pics from: They All Hate US
I am not saying personality doesn't count...because it absolutely does...but how as a woman are you meant to behave if faced with a Mr Chow sized shiitake.....if you get me *Wink*

Well i guess it depends how well you know the guy but in general after asking my friends (who are not slappers) it tends to be a deal breaker.

Good guys are hard enough to find in Sydney and if you find a keeper only to find out his bwana doesnt match the fact he has big hands what are you meant to you carry on and see where it goes or do you head for the hills.

Personally if I have met an absolute catch and that is the only issue i would stay and give it a good nudge...however there are a lot of other ladies who would be out of there faster than a fat kid on a cupcake.

Remember its not the size of the shiitake....its how they stir fry it  *wink

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
Pics From: They All Hate Us
My trusty C.E.B - Chief Executive Blogger (Self titled of course)


He has come up with many witty blog post ideas over 2011 and i feel he deserves some credit

P.s he also has super hero powers - check out his lazer beam eyes.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
Its always quite shite when you are having a good night out with your girls and out of the corner of your eye you can see your ex approaching at fast pace (he knows you are about to do a runner to avoid him).

I mean ok some of us are lucky and have ex's that we have forged new of my best guy friends is an ex of mine.

Back on see your ex out of the corner of your eye wearing an effing foul hat and you think to yourself WTF did i ever see in that hommos.
He then proceeds to try and muck around with you by putting you in a headlock (really that did happen and let me tell you it did not woo me) and to top off the annoying encounter he then tells your friends that you were and i quote 'So much better when you were with him'.
Honestly if that is how you try to win someone back its the wrong way to go about actually makes me want to poke your eyes out with a skewer!

Best way to handle this sort of situation is one of 3 ways.

1. Act like you are completely hammered and slur all english (chuck in a few swear words also)....he will then realise you are not in the frame of mind for any sort of conversation and hopefully retreat to his friends (if he has any)

2. Be extremely blase' to the extent that you might actually seem as you are high on some seriously good weed...start talking about a date you have later on and fingers crossed this will scare him off and leave you in peace.

3. Just be honest and come out with ..well douche kebab i dont know what i ever saw in you and your hideous on your way. (Note: if you really want to be friends later in life do not use this option)

If you have any similar stories you would like to share please go ahead will make me feel a crapload better about the hell on earth my encounter wAS.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
So everyone has that weird grey period when they have gone on a number of dates with a person and they feel it is going don't want to cut all ties with the other suitors just on the off chance it all falls through and you are left with no one.

so how do you handle this?

We call it the HALF CUT.

What you need to do is just limit the contact and drinks with the other men and focus on the one you want.
It is always hard when you enter into a new relationship because its hard to figure out when you should actually cut out all the others out of respect.

My situation has gone in that direction of late...i mean am i meant to not go for a drink with others because there is one i actually can see going somewhere..

There is one guy i used to see which i actually came straight out and told i had met someone i really liked...and he is a rare frm of male and respected my honesty and we are now good friends and can hang out with no problems and no awkwardness.

the worst situation is when you tell them that you are seeing someone and can't go for drinks...and they hit back with 'I only wanted to catch up with you as a friend anyway' then you are left feeling like a massive douchelord.

Its ok though let this happen its their way of self preservation and rejection handling.

Goodluck with your grey areas people....

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

I know a lot of people had to go back to work a week ago...I have only gone back today and am suffering some severe back to work depression..the only thing that is keeping me sane is knowing i have a cute little dinner date with the girls this evening which is light at the end of the tunnel for me right now.

I figured some cheering up pics might be necessary to get back into the swing of things.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
Pics From: They All hate us