A very close friend of mine is serioiusly paranoid her new man is no longer interested in her.
I think this seems to happen to most ladies when they start dating someone new...and it is uaually when you are just starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the person around the 3 - 4 month mark.

No matter how many times I try to reassure her that everything is completely fine and  you can tell by the way he acts around her and looks at her he completely adores her...she cannot shake the insecurities.

Meanwhile while she starts acting strangely because she is worried he starts to pull back because she is behaving not like her normal self...so really she is just ruining it for herself.

Men if your lady is acting strangely this may have something to do with it.

Ladies... if he is going to walk, he is going to walk and there is nothing you can do about it.

It just obviously isn't meant to be.

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Just a little reminder mothers day is coming up!!

Next Sunday 13th May!!

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This has happened numerous times within my group of friends and extended group of friends and i really just can't seem to get my head around the whole concept of breaking up with someone for whatever reason, then after being alone for usually not a long time or the other person simply begging for them back...they go back to their ex.

Obviously every relationship is very different...but surely when someone becomes your ex it is for a reason....which usually can't and won't change so why go back to the same old pattern and arguments just to avoid being alone.

If you do know someone that has left their partner and is umming and ahhing as to whether they should go back or not...just make sure you keep your mouth firmly shut. It is easy to tell a friend you think their ex girlfriend or boyfriend is in fact a man or she slut souchelord, but the problem is you voicing this opinion and then they return to their ex knowing you never really liked them in the first place. DEFINITELY going to cause issues with your friendship.

But I also think that if your friend has been giving you the big spiel on how thir ex was a total A-Hole bla bla bla they have to expect you will have hostile feelings towards their ex now non ex partner.

If you are considering going back to an ex just remember that you broke up for a reason, and people can change a tiny bit, but they really shouldn't have to. If you don't like them for who they are then move on they are clearly not meant for you.

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I thought i had caught up on all my sleep over the weekend (which i did not a whole lot)
Apparently I didn't get enough because today i feel like someone has run over me with a truck.

Maybe its my nerdy sinus being a bitch thats making me feel like this.

All i can think about right now is either a nice hot bubble bath with a glass of wine or curling up under a doona watching a dvd.

Am dosed up on all kinds of herbal and not so herbal meds, am hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling fresh as a daisy.

Happy Monday.

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Pics From: they all hate us, coco lee, style spotter
Personal space invaders are seriously everywhere...from sales assistants in the shops, work colleagues to fellow commuters on the train.

There is nothing worse than when you are sitting at your desk and suddenly there is a colleagues face literally on your shoulder. There are many tools you can use to try and prevent this space rape from happening such as trying to create space by opening a notebook or folder, reaching for a drink bottle or something from the far side of your desk or just jut out your elbow and give them a swift nudge to the ribs by accident of course.

If you get a space invader in a shop or bump into a friend in a public space that tends to be a bit close for comfort you really have it easy, simply take a step back and grab something from the nearest clothes rack to put some space between you both.

The WORST is the public commute space invader. Mainly because they are going to be a complete stranger and there is nothing worse than having some complete random literally a centimetre from your face...I just don't understand why anyone would want to be right up in someones grill. Just subtly try and turn your back on them so they stop their breathing in your face.
If this doesn't the situation I would say it is completely fine to smack them one.

If all else fails just give them massive stink eye until they realise they are doing something weird!

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I count this past week as basically starting on Sunday.

I have had an EPIC last few days!! A fabulous Sunday and Sunday night for a good friends surprise birthday lunch, Anzac day eve girls night out, Anzac day BBQ with yet another group of amazing people and friends, and lots of chilling in between.

This weekend I intend on getting in some solid sleeping, exercise, good food, have my little brothers birthday and a brunch with the mother ship.

I am excited to chill out!

Have a great weekend and happy Friday!

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Pics From: They all hate us, coco lee, Tyler shields, the lane
What i have come to notice happening a lot recently is that when people get bored in their own lives they like to create drama and stir the pot in other peoples lives so they have some entertainment.

Recently a person I know decided to pursue a guy who everyone is mutual friends with and I didnt mention she also has a boyfriend. They were just hanging out as friends but then she decided to tell the friend she had feelings for him, and then followed this up by then telling her boyfriend.

REALLY!? What is the point of doing this and more to the point why are you wasting your poor boyfriends time.....I know, it is because you don't actually like this other guy you just got comfortable and bored with your boyfriend and therefore needed some drama to spice shit up.

Same happened with another friend who is single and weirdly on more than one occasion has tried to crack onto her friends boyfriends mainly because she is a bit mental but also because she doesn't have much happening elsewhere in her life.

Personally I like keeping everything chilled, there is nothing wrong or boring with smooth sailiing people! 
Why would you want to watch bad things unfold for people you supposedly love?!
There is no need for unnecessary drama in anyone's lives, and it is even worse when wackjobs decide to create it for you.

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When you are working full time, have a boyfriend/girlfriend and are suffering from a huge lack of sleep, it is extremely hard to stay in touch with all your friends.

Sometimes days, even weeks could go by without seeing certain friends.

Whether it be because one of my best friends has a new job which means she works weird hours and days now...it is important to keep up the effort.

I know i always make a very conscious effort to see my close circle of friends and see them a few times a week and speak to them almost daily, what annoys the F*ck out of me is when someone I am barely friends with has a whinge to people that I haven't invited her to dinners etc...maybe if you organised something every once in a while it wouldn't all be resting on my shoulders.

I think the most important thing to remember keep up the contact with your friends, even a little email or text....everyone goes through phases where they are super busy with work and life...but it's not just up to you to make the effort its also nice if they return it as well.

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