This can be a very tedious and draining task....I am sure everyone (girl or guy) has been in the position of trying to nicely flick a person they have been seeing.

It is a BIG problem when that other person seems to come up with every reason under the sun as to why you arent returning calls or making an effort or acting 'strangely' they just can't seem to pinpoint exactly why you arent interested in them (seeing as they think they are as amazeballs as Brad Pitt in fight club days).

Trying to let them down gently is near impossible with this species of male...who just can't seem to grasp the whole idea that someone might just not be that into them. Personally i think complete honesty works best but even then they will still be left scratching their heads trying to pinpoint an exact reason as to why it has ended.

No it wasn't because you didn't come to my friends birthday...I am simply just not into you!

'Mr Perfect' get your head out of your ass and just accept that not everyone is going to put up with and be into your wanky asshole attitude towards everyone and everything in life.

Thank eff you get the opportunity to walk away now instead of hanging around for more douchelord anecdotes and crapola about who knows what because we seem to tune out when you speak.

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No one likes the waiting game...and for some reason the ball always seems to end up in the guys court...

Waiting for their call after they have said they will call seems to feel like an eternity....sure, you can just bite the bullet and call them first but what fun is that..especially if it is to organise a first date.

It is all in the game of giving them the upper hand...... for now.

I think there is definitely a time limit that you should wait around....for example i went out with a guy on a saturday night and didnt hear a peep from him for a week and a half, not even a text. To me this says 'so i got along with you yes it was fun but no spark so lets be friends'...which is exactly which road it has gone down.

If a guy says he will call you on a Sunday i figure he has until Tuesaday night to follow though and then thats enough wait time.

I know from some comments my girlfriends have made that imaginations can run the point of actually thinking of ridiculous extremes as to why the guy hasn't called.

Put it this way:
* He hasn't lost your number
* His phone battery hasn't been dead for 3 days
* He isn't in a 48 hour meeting
* Most locations (even remote ones) have reception or at least a payphone
* No, your mobile is not on divert to voicemail - he actually hasn't called
* If he likes you he will make the effort to call


In a nutshell, if a guy or girl likes you they will call you...if they don't then forget about it and it's ONTO THE NEXT!!!

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We have covered the 'Flame to Friend' aspect ...but not the 'Friend to Flame' side of things...

This one can be considered extremely risky because a lot of people confuse a good friendship with the possibility that is could be something more than just that.

Obviously every relationship has to have some form of friendship anyway otherwise it's going nowhere. You need to ask yourself why suddenly does that person look so good as a potential partner and never before?!

Sometimes it might just be the whole fact they were right under your nose the whole time and until someone pointed them out, it had never crossed your mind there was any attraction there....or it might just be they were looking uber boneable that one day and things picked up from there.

At least if you sort of know them on the friend side of things it is almost as good as trying before you buy because you know the ins and outs of their personality and what sort of slaps/douchebags they have dated previous to you (also yes they are slaps/douchebags because every new partners ex is).

If this turns out badly you are pretty much going to lose a friend so tread carefully..and remember if they aren't that good a friend to start with just go for gold and bone away!

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Now that i have been in the dating scene for a little while i have revised my first date location list.

I tihnk going on a first date with someone can be nerve-racking enough..without having to worry about the fact you have gone to a sterile, snooty and uncomfortable restaurant.

Don't get me wrong i love a lot of these restaurants the food is amazing, but the first date is usually to get to know a person and establish if you actually have anything in common and this i think is easier found in a relaxed comfortable intimate environment such as a little wine bar.

These are my picks:
* Roys Tapas
* Hunky Dory
* The Passage
* Barrio Chino
* Lil Darlin
* Bucket List
* Mojos
* The Winery
* Tilly Devine
* Lotus

Goodluck with your first dates...may they not be too painful!

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Happy Monday...Bring on this week...and make is a good one!
Pics From: The Lane, They all hate us, Brandy Melville, Mindy Weiss
I am heading away for the weekend to the country to go Glamping...which translates to floating on the river with a glass of Pinot in hand for no less than 6 hours...i might even employ someone to feed me grapes.

Have a great, sunny, happy weekend!!!

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Pics from: they all hate us
I have decided that instead of falling into a deep depression AKA mondayitis every Sunday night, I am going to do my best to embrace Mondays from now on!

You can't get to Friday without going through a whole week first so must suck it up and start enjoying it :)


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Pics from: they all hate us
I would give my right arm to be there right now...even in the nose bleed seats..

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Pics From: the daily telegraph, mercedes benz fashion week- the scene
This june one of the hottest men alive will be touching down and calling Sydney home for 3 months.....Bradley cooper.

I find it quite ironic his initials are B.C....(use your imagination ladies)

I hope this makes your afternoon more pleasant ;)

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Pics from : promadvice, US weekly, celebitchy, cinemablend, instnctmagazine
Thank eff we are smack bang in the middle of the week...hurry up weekend! xxxxxxxxx L
Pics from: they all hate us