Happy Friday!!!

Lets hope the weather sticks around for the weekend so we can all catch some rays!

I am getting the chop tomorrow with the world's best hairdresser Andrew (i am def biased)

Have girls night tomorrow night and am looking forward to having a vino or 2 with my ladies.


Love to ALL - except bulldogs supporters.. i curse you

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Pics from: They All Hate Us, Style Spotting
This week I am feeling a bit out of body for some reason...possibly due to lack of sleep, or the fact there are a lot of things going on lately (all very good things by the way)

I am also getting the chop on saturday for Winter...sigh...Wish me luck and that i don't come out looking like a 2 year old with a bowl cut ;)

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Pics From: Style Sight, Brandy Melville, Style spotting, Stockholm Street Style, They All Hate Us
Facebook has sort of become the new 'in your face mechanism' it allows you to stalk, research, gloat etc without really looking like you are doing so.

For example when it gets to winter and everyone pisses off to Europe and leaves the rest of us poor suckers in freezing Sydney its bad enough knowing we are chained to our desk without half your news feed showing your friends sunning themselves off the Amalfi Coast with cockatil in hand.

Another good one is the ex writint irrelevant comments on your wall for all to see..whether it is to piss off a new flame or whatever...GROW UP THERE IS SUCH THING AS A MOBILE PHONE, EMAIL OR PRIVATE MESSAGE. We can all see right through your little attempt to piss someone/anyone off.

Facebook is the ultimate revenge tool after a break up...it can make you look like a complete douche kebab if not managed properly...DO NOT under any circumstances get emo and start writing about your feelings as your status...this is actually also quite pathetic.

I take facebook as a joke and a tool to contact my friends that arent in Sydney or the country for that matter, i am not denying i am not slightly addicted..keep it light and fun!

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To juggle your boyfriend or girlfriend and your friends really shouldn't be a hard task...however some people have just never seemed to master this.
There was one girl who i will not name, that was so bad at catching up with her girlfriends when she got a boyfriend that when one of the girls started to be a MOW (man over woman) you would say "you are being a (insert her name here)".

As a girl i have always tried to be very aware that my friendships with my guy friends never suffer if i have a BF...if a guy can't be mature enough to understand you have guy friends that are only friends and don't want to bone,  then i think you should be wondering what the hell you are doing wasting your time.

It is a LOT easier if your new bf or gf gets along with your friends and their partners..it means you can all catch up as a group and you are not only seeing your friends but they get to know your other half better as well. I used to date a guy who expected me to be all buddy buddy with his friends and their partners but NEVER EVER came out with my friends or made an effort and it actually made me resent him and in the end was a big part of why i left him.

Basically I am not saying for you to be constantly be putting your friends before your significant other, because truth be told we are getting older and that person could end up being who you are with forever. What i am saying is make a conscious effort to also see your friends instead of just vanishing off the face of the earth.

be sure to spend quality time with your friends...if everything falls through they are the ones that are going to be there to help pick up the pieces!

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Wish i could do fun lip colours...i always seem to look like a chick from the veronicas when i try and wear a bright colour. Goal for 2012 is to be more creative with make up.

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Pics From: Kim kardashian, ashleifearce, aliciascaretta, jadorefashion, theberry, they all hate us
When you are ‘older’ and you start dating someone meeting the parents becomes quite a big deal.

When you are living out of home meeting them sort of becomes an occasion rather than just a thing that happens in passing.

Living at home with parents means that if your new man or woman comes over they are going to meet them by default anyway so it usually happens pretty early on.

Personally i wouldn’t bother introducing anyone to my parents I knew was going to be out of my life again in a month..

A girlfriend of mine recently started dating this guy (she didn’t even know if he was considered her boyfriend yet)they had only been seeing each other 3 weeks or something and she went to go to dinner and it turned out the parents were also attending. It’s one thing to spring this on the poor girl unprepared, but so early on in the piece was a pretty questionable move.

Then there is the other way of meeting the parents ‘ the chance meeting’ a case of being in the same place at the same time, this isn’t usually too bad and can be an excellent ice-breaker for your formal parent meeting. This chance meeting is only good though if the guy or girl has in fact even mentioned you to their parents to begin with...otherwise this can prove extremely awkward.

Whatever you do, DO NOT do shots of vodka to ease the nerves this can prove to really eff up a first impression.

Goodluck daters.

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I have a massive style crush on Olivia Palermo...insanely jealous would be a better way to describe it...she has a banging bod, an ever expanding wardrobe of luxe designer clothes and then just to slap everyone in the face her best accessory...her UBER HOT SEX MACHINE OF A BOYFRIEND.


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Pics from: elementsof style, chiconthestreet, snapfashion, stylebistro, zimbio, beauty CFW, Mtv
The weather is about to change and there is no time than the present to start prepping for winter.
I don't know about you, but i feel the cold BADLY.

Winter is really not a good time of year for me...I am one of those weird people who wears tights under their jeans because they are still freezing.

So here is a list of my winter saviours.

* Invest in a few pairs of thick tights!
* Drink lots of booze - this is proven to make you warmer and lets be honest any reason to booze is a good reason yes?
* Get a good moisturiser - the worst thing is when spring kicks in and your skin is dry and snake skin like - not very attractive!
* ASAYANA FAKE TAN - This stuff is seriously amazing, it smells like summer, no toxins or chemicals and it will give you a perfect summer glow without making you look like an oompa loompa.
* Hats - Get a few hats in your rotation- you dont even have to worry about doing your hair and they keep you warm.
* Leather Pants - Thank god they are in this winter because they are seriously toasty - and they make your ass look good.
* Scarves - especially good in the Summer to Autumn transition period when the nights are cool but days are warm.
* Human Hot Water Bottle - there is nothing better than crawling into bed with your man on a freezing night and cosying up.
* A snuggie - Ok you may think this is massively dorky ( a blanket with sleeves) TRUST ME get one of these they are actually amazeballs....much to the amusement of some i have one in zebra print..believe me i have never looked back.

Goodluck to you for Winter - if you don't see many posts during this hard time it is because i am in the foetal position in front of the heater!

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Happy Asshole Monday!

I am hung as hell and cannot be arsed to be creative with my posts today...however after a nice burger and some good sleep i will be back in form.

Have a good day!

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Pics From: They All Hate Us, Style spotting, The sartorialist, stylesight
Friday is here again.....what an eventful (but fab) week.

I am looking forward to kicking back this weekend and hopefully getting some beach time in before Sydney freezes over.

As you may have felt it is starting to get seriously chilly at night...im a bit upset i am having to get my winter clothes out of storage this weekend....fingers crossed for no moth eaten trench coats!

Have a great weekend!

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Pics: They All Hate Us, We heart it