When you end with someone (good or bad terms) there are certain times and places you just really do not want to see them.

Mostly its when you are walking out of the gym looking a bit worse for wear, or after a big night out.

Over the weekend I was talking to a good friend who was telling me the extent he goes to, to avoid running into his ex.

Made me think of other times and how we subconsciously avoid areas they might possibly be lurking.

* He avoided a work conference in fear that his ex would be there.

* Common areas you once frequented eg cafes, restaurants

*Taking the long way to the gym so you don’t have to walk past a place he always is ora workplace.

*Avoiding certain social outings 

Basically when you do bump into them for the first time the best way to do it is if you are looking your best maybe a few bevvies under your belt and with a good group of friends….if this isn’t enough just pretend you didn’t see them and carry on.

xxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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