The talent in Sydney is dwindling at the moment (no offence if you are a bloke reading this) so friends of mine have set their sights on the men that are ageing like a fine wine...The silver fox species.

I have compiled a list of ways you can supposedly catch a silver fox...this list has input from quite a few of my friends so if you disagree feel free to add comment :)

1.  Make sure you give your silver fox the eye – all that needs to be said can be done through eyeing off your potential bone
2.  Don’t be too scared to make a move – you have nothing to lose
3.  Don’t be OTT – nothing scares of a man like a girl who is easy
4.  Never call him old or comment on the fact he has greying hair, it will make you seem a lot younger (even though you prob are unless they are greying prematurely)
5.  Don't act too interested go in and out of conversation with him...will make him wonder whyhis silver fox charms aren't working yet.
6.  Just because he is a bit older doesn't mean he isnt still in a younger mans mindset- if thats what you want keep going with all the above if not...walk away...with the weird way mens minds work will prob make him want you more anyway.
7.  Buy him a drink...I think always nice to buy the guy a drink, they constantly have to buy girls drinks, change it up a little.
8. Last but not least...he may not be wearing a ring but find a subtle way of finding out if your silver fox is married before you bother...these things have a funny way of surprising you at the worst time!

DISCLOSURE: have only once snagged a silver fox, this was very shortlived....This advice may completely fail!

Goodluck Fox Hunters ;)

xxxxxxxxxxxx L
10/25/2011 10:09:37 am

Hahahahahaha. Best blog post ever x


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