When you  have an ex lurking around the same night spots and common areas such as the supermarket as you, you almost go out expecting to bump into them so you add in that extra effort to look a little better than average.

If you know they are going to be at a party you are going to you automatically put that extra oomph into your outfit to create an 'eff you im still hot' feeling to your night.

Don't get me wrong its not like we want you back....its more we want us to still be hot in your mind.
The worst possible thing is when you are totally in your comfort zone, like i was on the weekend (it has been a long time since i left my ex but i still want to look amazeballs when i see him).
I was at the beach with a guy friend (who i might add is still a little soft around the edges after the festive season) who is a good looking guy but not the ideal man i would like my ex to bump into me with and assume i am now dating.

So i did what any girl would do and grabbed all my stuff and quickly (not gracefully)  legged it up the beach to the safety of my car...much to the amusement of my guy friend who didnt move at all except to roll around laughing at me being an absolute spaz.

Now i look back and think why didnt i just sit there and say hi...well its because when i see my ex randomly i don't want to be sitting there hungover as hell with my semi tubby guy friend looking like shite.

Why, even when we sort of don't really care or value our ex's opinions do we have lapses of mild insanity?

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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