It is so easy to get stuck in a rut. Mundane days at work day in day out can leave you feeling completely deflated, meaning by the time you get home all you want to do is flop onto the couch.

This is completely a mind over matter thing which can be fixed.

Especially coming into winter is is very important to try nd remain upbeat- it is hard when its dark when you get home but make the most of it and remember there are people out there with real problems.

Today i woke up insanely happy even know i knew i had to get out of my extremely warm bed and go to a job that really doesn't excite me too much...and i think i woke up like this becaus ei had a really good night last night.

Plan things to do during the week to break it up a little, like dinners with friends, maybe some exercise or even just do a big house clean always leaves you feelnig better and when you go to bed content, you wake up content.

Plan or book a holiday - it is always nice having something to look forward to and have a reason to go to work other than just paying the bills.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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