A lot of my friends  are at that stage of their relationships when the bank accounts are merged and money is shared.

Not always an easy topic to broach when in a relationship, it can get awkward.
What annoyed me when i was in this situation is when someone who shall not be named was earning at least 3 times what i was but would continue to come to me month after month to borrow from me (then leaving me short for the month)
Ok sure i would always get the money back eventually, BUT when it is to fund a little habit i think this is a definite deal breaker.

I think to a certain degree money does matter because if there is no money it creates stress for one or both people involved and then this flows onto the relationship and creates drama.

One of my guy friends had an interesting perception on this topic " Girls are full of shit, guys with a sense of humour get nowhere". Basically inferring if you want to pull a certain type of lady you need to have a certain amount of mulla.

I mean sure yes dating someone with money does make life a LOT easier ...but personally I have had the opportunity to settle with a man with money who i love as a friend but nothing more, and i have opted not to...in the end it is the recipe for an unhappy, unfulfilled life where yes everything may be paid for but most men in this situation then get the sense of ownership over you. (unless you actually do love them..then eff you, you got lucky!)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
Her: WTF am i doing, he had better cark it soon Him: My hot bitch keeps me young...sucked in

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