What are you supposed to to when your best friend and her partner of MANY years split.

He has become one of your good friends and pretty much been to your every birthday, lunch, dinner and booze session...hes helped you with guy advice and even met your whole family....are you meant to cull them out of your life because your friend and him are over.

I think this is always a tough one but for me i would have to do what my friend wanted me to do which im sure is distance the contact a lot...its not only hard for us as friends but imagine what she is going through.

There is always that one person who stays in contact and i think it is quite disrespectful to do this...especially when everything is fresh..then there is also the matter of him meeting someone new or even your friend meeting someone else its always going to et bitter in that situation and the last thing you need is to be the middle man.

Just do what your friend thinks is best and go with your gut instinct....it always depends on whether the break up was amicable but either way a break up is a break up and make sure you show respect to both sides.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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