Today I have had a very interesting chat with a good friend of mine and we both totally agree that men out there either have no balls or are just too interested in following their pecker to the easiest target floating around the venue.

This has happened to both of us for as long as we can remember and I am sure other seemingly normal, well dressed ladies all around the place.

I actually cannot remember the last time I was approached by a guy that i didn't already know, not sure if there was a bit of a 'don't approach me vibe' happening, but either way in all instances one of my more scantily clad, larger breasted (tackier dressed) friends has been approached.

This has happened not just once but almost on every occasion we have been out to a bar.

Males Perspective on this topic:

And i quote...

'You two girls just look like you would be hard work, we always go for the one that looks like you could take her home after one vodka'.

Cheers guys, you are really going to meet your future partner that way.

Also thanks for making us feel like we are lepers.



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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