This is actually going to be a bit of a rant so feel free to skip to next post i just need to get this off my chest....

A guy friend of mine (who i might add thinks we are extremely close) is actually doing my head in for the below reasons:

* He has somehow worked his way around every female in Sydney and constantly complains about every girl being too clingy....dude you are 36 years old get your shit together I am sick of hearing you whinge...its actually that you are a massive weirdo and they end up heading for the hills.

* I am constantly receiving photos of you half naked (no idea who the f*ck takes them for you) but this does nothing for me only refreshes my memory of how much of a complete douchelord you actually are.

* RELAX with the phone calls...if you call my work phone 4 times in the space of an hour and i don't answer, i clearly don't want to speak to you and am busy...this does not warrant you then calling my personal phone another 6 times in the next hour, its creepy borderline stalker.

* Quit asking me questions about my life because you seem to not have one you like to go and gossip about mine which i do not appreciate.

* You actually uttered the words " You can't tame the lion, all the girls try but none of you can do it" 
I  vomited a little bit when you said this.

* When i actually do take the 1 out of 100 calls from you i am sick of you having absolutely nothing to say and instead you resort to the line "Oh What are you doin with your life"....this is not a conversation starter, not sure if you are as thick as a plank or just socially inept.

* I know you won't read this because you are too wrapped in yourself, possibly too dumb to type and even if you did read it you are to 'special' to realise this is directed at you.

Everyone else have a nice afternoon, and excuse my rant..I am actually in a very happy mood today regardless of this nut. 

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
6/6/2013 01:07:34 pm

This post is extremely entertaining!


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