This has happened numerous times within my group of friends and extended group of friends and i really just can't seem to get my head around the whole concept of breaking up with someone for whatever reason, then after being alone for usually not a long time or the other person simply begging for them back...they go back to their ex.

Obviously every relationship is very different...but surely when someone becomes your ex it is for a reason....which usually can't and won't change so why go back to the same old pattern and arguments just to avoid being alone.

If you do know someone that has left their partner and is umming and ahhing as to whether they should go back or not...just make sure you keep your mouth firmly shut. It is easy to tell a friend you think their ex girlfriend or boyfriend is in fact a man or she slut souchelord, but the problem is you voicing this opinion and then they return to their ex knowing you never really liked them in the first place. DEFINITELY going to cause issues with your friendship.

But I also think that if your friend has been giving you the big spiel on how thir ex was a total A-Hole bla bla bla they have to expect you will have hostile feelings towards their ex now non ex partner.

If you are considering going back to an ex just remember that you broke up for a reason, and people can change a tiny bit, but they really shouldn't have to. If you don't like them for who they are then move on they are clearly not meant for you.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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