A very good friend of mine has recently decided he is over his heartache and is single and ready to mingle, but doesnt know how he will 'compete' with guys that are out there with great game.
Few Pointers:

* Lots of guys out there are skeazy and just want to bed ladies, don;t worry about this we can tell exatly who they are and if we were looking for that, then thats who we would date.
* Don't be too forward or too keen all at once- Pay attention to us but don't smother, relax and go with the flow desperation is not attractive and we can sense it from a mile away.
* Enjoy a good laugh - a sense of humour is extremely attractive and is a perfect ice breaker to make us feel more comfortable.
* The minute you stop looking you will find her - In the meantime have fun - Go on dates and lots of them its all about trial and error in my eyes.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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