So...this whole 'im seeing you but am not your girlfriend' thing is quite new to me.
At times i am constantly confused with why, when you treat someone like your girlfriend and you tell them you are not seeing anyone else but feel the need to constantly remind that person they are in fact NOT your girlfriend.

It has happened to a few of my girlfriends  recently and we are all quite baffled at why there is that need to remind us that we are not in a binding relationship with you.

A few points came up that i think the male population should take down.

Did it ever occur to you that we also are taking it slow and don't in fact want to be labelled as your girlfriend just yet (or possibly ever if you turn out to be a freak)  because we are still sorting through men that have come into our lives before you...yes you might be the one on the top rung but it doesn't mean there aren't others below.

Maybe this is a form of self preservation for you because you do have an inkling about those others on the backburner..

'Seeing' is a nice form of saying "ok im with you and im getting to know you and find out if you are in fact a weirdo before i commit" you think we don't want to figure out if you are also a weirdo as well?!

The main dilema of the day was deciding whether or not we should book a 'couple' seat at the cinemas...just in case you freaked out at the word ...I actually just find these seats a lot more spacious and comfortable than the other seats...don't read into it.

Last but not say that you will have us stick around for and i quote 'a little while' to cook for you....get off your effing high of those men on the bottom rungs would probably jump at the chance to cook for us ladies, so count yourself lucky we are sticking around.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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