So I think everyone has that one friend that is in your group but you may not always see eye to eye, so rather than cause a big conflict you opt for the sitting back and trying to stay calm option.

 I witnessed this the other day and These are some of the top tricks I can highly recommend to get you through that painful lunch or dinner.
* Bite your tongue
* Drink a LOT and hope you don’t snap – NB. Stay away from Gin and Tequila, basically all hard liquor
* You are probably feeling the same way as numerous others at the table-just be careful when kicking them after something idiotic is said, you don’t  want to kick the wrong person.
* Remember you most likely only have to see this person once every few months, keep that smile on your face and repeat in your mind – it’s only once every 3 months.
* Lots of smiling and nodding are your best options – try not to speak because you might accidently get snappy.
* DON’T EVER agree to catch up with them alone- it is just not worth it.

* DON’T EVER see them close to devil week – this is simply a recipe for disaster.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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