When you are in a relationship, to make things work both people have to ‘give a little’ and make small changes/compromises to make things work. It doesn't mean totally changing yourself or your lifestyle, but occasionally things might pop up that you just have to let slide in order to keep the other person happy.

If you don’t do this and continue to roll with your normal life things are bound to clash and one person will end up unhappy.

* Appreciate the little things.
* Remember to say thank you.
* Understand that most people need their own time and space even if its just to paint your nails or read the paper.
* Knowing when giving someone too much space is not a good thing and can make the person feel like they are a burden
eg. Put in a bit of effort on the phone call front even if you aren't a 'phone person'.
* Showing interest in their hobbies even if it means you have to do something utterly boring to you.
* Don’t be too demanding and pick your battles.

If you stick with making an effort on the small things, no bigger issues should eventuate unless the other person is just a little screw loose or an emotional spaz.

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