As Charlotte says- 'I've been dating since i was 16, i am exhausted WHERE IS HE?!'

What makes it even worse is when you go on a good one and they are super keen for a week or so and then you just never hear again. Men are keen one week and not the next- this is the emerging trend due to the fact there are so many eligible ladies out there and these blokes seem to follow their wangs to greener pastures every other week.


One can only cop the ' It's not you it's me' line a few times in a row before thinking there must be something seriously wrong with you. It doesn't matter how many sympathy cosmos your engaged/coupled/married girlfriends feed you- there must be a bit of truth to this thought otherwise why wouldn't they call?

If i have to hear 'it's his loss' or 'you just choose the wrong guys' one more time i will start swinging. I have dated every variety of man under the sun and let me tell you this, they are all the same. Cut from the same cloth just with different hair colour. I dont think my destiny if to end up solo in s studio apartment with numerous cats, but at the rate i am going i will have given up all together if it keeps going like this.

MEN OF SYDNEY, cut the games they are not necessary and simply piss us off. If you are not interested just say it instead of letting us think there is something wrong with us.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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