A very close friend of mine is serioiusly paranoid her new man is no longer interested in her.
I think this seems to happen to most ladies when they start dating someone new...and it is uaually when you are just starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the person around the 3 - 4 month mark.

No matter how many times I try to reassure her that everything is completely fine and  you can tell by the way he acts around her and looks at her he completely adores her...she cannot shake the insecurities.

Meanwhile while she starts acting strangely because she is worried he starts to pull back because she is behaving not like her normal self...so really she is just ruining it for herself.

Men if your lady is acting strangely this may have something to do with it.

Ladies... if he is going to walk, he is going to walk and there is nothing you can do about it.

It just obviously isn't meant to be.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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