If you have read any previous posts of mine you will have figured i am recently single....
After 2 1/2 years in a relationship I now am ready to get back on the dating wagon, the only thing is after years off the wagon I'm trying to figure out... is there still an art to it?

Guys for example can somehow find the time to make you feel like you are the only girl they are interested in...little do you know they send that cute little "Hi Gorgeous Girl" message to 10 other lucky ladies carefully selected from their contacts. I'll tell you guys out there that are into the whole 'i'm going to chase as many girls as i can'...its QUALITY not QUANTITY!

You are just lucky that group texting is now so easy and that great phone cap deals now exist. What I don't get is how you can keep up with remembering all these little things each girl tells you (you must be eating your weeties)...kudos to you if you actually pull it off.

Another thing that is baffling me at the moment..is there still actually 'the game'?
Am i meant to wait half an hour before responding to a message?
Do i let their call ring out and call back an hour later feigning interest?

All in all i am just going to be myself and enjoy summer...BUT if someone would like to shed some light on this topic for me, go right ahead...at the moment i feel like im going in blind.

xxxxxxxxxx L

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