I dont know what it is about this specimen of male....but they feel the need to dose themselves up on tanning injecctions are usually tattoed within an inch of their life and of course are "juiced" up and therefore feel the need to rip of their shirt in any environment to try to flaunt what their "juice syringe" gave them.

Just because a fast paced techno beat comes over the speakers at whever 'chat' festival you happen to be at it does not warrant you being shirtless...also on a side note you look like a massive douchelord when you are shirtless with your gay-ass silky bulldogs footy shorts, and your homo sunglasses on and its 10pm at night.

NOTE TO ROID MUNCHERS EVERYWHERE: (actually a few points to note)

* Seroids usually make your skin foul...which means yes your front may be nice but your b-acne makes me want to vom..keep it covered thanks.

* You seem to sweat a lot- this combined with the shirtless factor and also the fact that you prob shave your chest/back/arms etc and your rubbing your sweat/bacne/spiky self on me when we are partying also makes me want to vom

* Mood swings- you seem to want to bash or fight everyone at all times. e.g little girl says hi...you respond with "i wana bash youz"

These are just a few small things i want you to think about next time you even have a milli-second of a thought about taking your shirt off in public again...please just think of the rest of us and the general health risk you throw at us when that shirt does come off.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

p.s this post is dedicated to my trusty C.E.B Jordan

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