I am sure it has happened to everyone at least once, you are single and you happen to know another great single and you decide to play cupid and set them up. if it doesn't go well this is almost always the most awkward situation you can put not just the two you are trying to set up but yourself in.

Basic Rules for successful Cupiding:

* Approach with caution - Some people think just because they have 2 single friends that they are destined to be together...FACT it is very hard to actually find someone you are compatible with so think it through before throwing them in the deep end.

* Just because a person is single does not mean they want to be in a relationship or even dating, they may take offence that you are trying to fix them up in the first place.

* Put yourself in their shoes and think how you would feel...remember it could be you that is being cupid'd next.

* Make sure you don't get drunk and embarrassing around them it will make everything a lot more awk.

* The easiest thing to do is to just not tell one of your cupiding victims...that way if sparks don't fly the other person had no idea they were even being set up..everyone wins.

If you are planning on doing some cupiding my best advice to you is to be super stealth about it..the less people know the better ;)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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