What i have come to notice happening a lot recently is that when people get bored in their own lives they like to create drama and stir the pot in other peoples lives so they have some entertainment.

Recently a person I know decided to pursue a guy who everyone is mutual friends with and I didnt mention she also has a boyfriend. They were just hanging out as friends but then she decided to tell the friend she had feelings for him, and then followed this up by then telling her boyfriend.

REALLY!? What is the point of doing this and more to the point why are you wasting your poor boyfriends time.....I know, it is because you don't actually like this other guy you just got comfortable and bored with your boyfriend and therefore needed some drama to spice shit up.

Same happened with another friend who is single and weirdly on more than one occasion has tried to crack onto her friends boyfriends mainly because she is a bit mental but also because she doesn't have much happening elsewhere in her life.

Personally I like keeping everything chilled, there is nothing wrong or boring with smooth sailiing people! 
Why would you want to watch bad things unfold for people you supposedly love?!
There is no need for unnecessary drama in anyone's lives, and it is even worse when wackjobs decide to create it for you.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

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