It's weird when you get older and you are 'seeing' someone.... It's like a weird relationship limbo where you are still semi playing a game and you have no idea where you stand.

I mean you don't know if they are dating others, you have no idea if you are their gf/bf and you are still in that stage of being conscious of not being a complete idiot when you see them.

A girlfriend of mine has been ' seeing' her man for 6 months.... This to me says "I'm just not that into you, and I'm still hanging out for someone I classify as better". DOUCHEKEBAB!

I'm not saying wack a label on anything and I completely dig the try before you settle game... However where are the lines drawn as to how long one is expected to wait around in this limbo? And why is it that the guy is usually the one to determine the path of the relationship.
This I will never know!

Ladies, if you are still waiting around for someone to commit after even 4 months... Move right along he is not worth your time!!!!

Xxxxxxxx L




Good morning to all and happy Saturday!!

Up bright and early for a run and the fact I woke up at 5am such a horrible nights sleep.... Possibly due to the fact one of my good friends just got engaged while at Amalfi Coast!!! BIG CONGRATS and lots of love and kisses to Jen and Aaron!! Xxxxx

Weather is meant to be superb this weekend bring on the sunshine!!!

Xxxxxxxxxx L
Another week = another Friday afternoon at work counting down until wine o'clock.

Bring on a weekend with beautiful girls for Kate's cellar tea (really just a boozy girls lunch a few weekends before the debauchery of her hens) and a lot of football watching and beach. Of course lots of wine but that goes without saying.

ahhhhhh finally summer!!!!

Have a fabulous one.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

You could be hottest thing since sliced bread...but if you don't bring the banter or at least some form of entertainment to the table....there will be no party for you my friend.

Men, you are not the only ones who get bored easily.

If it came to choose between the really cute guy that was literally sending 'hey girl, how are you?' extremely vanilla messages every day with no follow up for a drink until 7:30pm every Friday night (because i have nothing better to do on a Friday night, of course I will be free....NOT) or the other equally cute guy with a million times more personality and excellent banter...hmmmm i wonder who one would choose.

Another big thing is when meeting ones friends, get a bit of charisma and utter more than 2 words that relate to more then hi and bye.

Basically all I am saying is unless you are a bit dull yourself avoid these bores like the plague....most likely going to be a bore in other areas as well.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
Spring is officially here and is seriously getting nice and toasty.

Bikini season has well and truly sprung itself on me again...
Looking forward to lots of boozy dinners and solid beach sessions!!!

Have rid my life of majority of the douchelords i knew.

New Job starts in a week along with DJ lessons and daylight savings.


Happy Almost Friday xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L

I have the feeling we are going to be naturals!!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
The other night I sat down to dinner with a few of the girls...and one of them received a text from a guy she had recently been on a date with.

We are not a kiss and tell household but this one was a goodie...

Basically this guy thought he was one with Kanye, Jay Z and Pdiddy.

Here is a small insight into the world of a wigga - it is even worse that they send these phrases to girls they are hoping to date/make a good impression on.

SHIZ GONNA GET CRAY - this one is brilliant  I laugh out loud at this
Ain't No Thiiing
Juz Sayin
Chu know
I'm chill gurl
Harro (It’s hard to even type it)
Ze (instead of the)
Did you paint the town red?
Well derr!

I just cannot get past the fact someone actually wrote 'SHIZ GONNA GET CRAY" WHAT A DUDE!!!

So basically if you are a guy steer clear from all the above. (Which i am sure most of you would...we have clearly been dating super intellectuals to receive the above)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
So Monday is actually the worst day of the week but at least the weather is defrosting Sydney finally!

Had an amazing weekend with fabulous company and can't wait for spring now. Started planning my best friends hens in Vegas and am also excited about a few other things!

Have an amazing week and I will be blogging a lot more!

Xxxxxxx L
When you first start dating someone its all about getting to know the other person (my favourite part actually) but there are  some factors that could be a huge deal breaker...these are things that might happen 3 years deep and be ok, but when they happen after 2 weeks or a month its usually enough to make the other person head for the hills.

* Dropping the 'L Bomb' when you are too hammered and you really don't mean it at all.
* Meeting the parents after only a few dates and unprepared.
* Peeing with the door open or while the other person is in the bathroom (romance will die right at that moment)
* Moving in - this can go both ways but if you don't know them too well always best to wait AT LEAST 6 months.
* Their mum has your number after 2 weeks and now calls you instead of their own child to ask stupid questions.
* Tattoo of their full name in an obvious place - if this falls through you basically will need to only date people with this name or name your first born after your ex (awkward much)!
* Calling every 5 minutes 'just to say hi', we have better things to do with our day than have meaningless repetitive conversations with you and no nothing exciting has happened since you called 5 minutes ago.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L
A very good friend of mine has recently decided he is over his heartache and is single and ready to mingle, but doesnt know how he will 'compete' with guys that are out there with great game.
Few Pointers:

* Lots of guys out there are skeazy and just want to bed ladies, don;t worry about this we can tell exatly who they are and if we were looking for that, then thats who we would date.
* Don't be too forward or too keen all at once- Pay attention to us but don't smother, relax and go with the flow desperation is not attractive and we can sense it from a mile away.
* Enjoy a good laugh - a sense of humour is extremely attractive and is a perfect ice breaker to make us feel more comfortable.
* The minute you stop looking you will find her - In the meantime have fun - Go on dates and lots of them its all about trial and error in my eyes.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L